The esteemed, prolific, talented, and charming artists' bookmaker, Julie Chen, has curated a terrific show at the Environmental Design Library at UC Berkeley. It is meant to be presented in conjunction with the eighth CODEX Symposium and Book Fair in Richmond, CA, across the Bay. The show runs from March 14th until May 15th on the Berkeley Campus. There is a reception on April 9th, the evening before CODEX opens, and it takes place from 3:00 to 6:00pm. All who attend will receive a handsome catalog designed by Julie.
I was fortunate to be asked to include my book Delirium. Though I have not seen the whole show yet, I have seen photographs of many of the books and the installation, and it looks great. If you live in the Bay Area, or are in town for CODEX VIII, be sure to either attend the reception or make a short trip over to the see the show after one of the two Symposium sessions in Berkeley.